Statistics & Research about Cleveland,OK - Cleveland Insurance Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Cleveland,OK an area served by Cleveland Insurance Agency Llc

Phone : 918-358-5221

Real estate research for area nearby Cleveland Insurance Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pawnee County 81,400 587 8.7
Sand Springs 117,400 674 6.9
Drumright 57,300 341 7.1
Terlton 46900 NA NA
Fairfax 48,600 425 10.5
Turley 48,200 670 16.7
Cushing 78,500 662 10.1
Mannford 105,900 532 6.0
Osage 24,200 475 23.6
Cleveland 84,400 620 8.8

Number of vacant houses in places near by Cleveland Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Pawnee County 1380
Sand Springs 656
Drumright 326
Terlton 3
Fairfax 276
Turley 392
Cushing 974
Mannford 182
Osage 28
Cleveland 867
Tulsa 27037
Pawnee 513
Lawrence Creek 16
Barnsdall 168

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Cleveland Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Pawnee County 90100
Sand Springs 122800
Drumright 101700
Terlton 37500
Fairfax 18500
Turley 16600
Cushing 91000
Mannford 107700
Osage 23500
Cleveland 91900
Tulsa 140100
Pawnee 86000
Lawrence Creek 157100
Barnsdall 65000

Number of new houses in places near by Cleveland Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of new houses
Pawnee County 87500
Sand Springs 150800
Drumright 67000
Cleveland 95000
Tulsa 223600

Number of blacks in places near by Cleveland Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Pawnee County 139
Sand Springs 378
Drumright 19
Fairfax 38
Turley 213
Cushing 493
Mannford 2
Cleveland 65
Tulsa 62220
Pawnee 74
Barnsdall 39