State Farm
About : Peggy Davenport is a candidate for Oklahoma Senate District 43 comprised of all of McClain County, most of Stephens County and portions of Garvin and Grady Counties. Run off election will be held Aug. 28th
Description : Small business owner for 20 + years. Graduate of West Texas State University,Formerly employed by H. Ross Perots company EDS as one of five State Representatives responsible for over site of the billing practices of Texas Medical Providers.
1209 W Main St, Duncan, OK 73533-4565
Phone: 580-255-4404
Distance: 1.2 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Today is the big day! Run-off election will be decided today, so be sure to stop by your local polling place and cast your votes!!!!.
Tomorrow is the last day to turn in your absentee ballots!So if you are going to be out of town on the election day, here is your last chance to cast your vote!.
I just want to thank all of you who made it to the polls yesterday. I am not disappointed for me, I am disappointed for you. I would have been honored to be the one to represent you, because I know why I was in the race from the beginning, it was to care about you and carry YOUR message to the Capitol.