Statistics & Research about Coweta,OK - Greater Midstates

Here are some statistics & research about Coweta,OK an area served by Greater Midstates

13513 S Highway 51
Phone : 918-486-2106

Car dealers nearby Greater Midstates

Gardner Motors

Phone: 888-440-5328

Real estate research for area nearby Greater Midstates

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
South Tulsa 138,100 823 7.2
Fort Gibson 113,300 582 6.2
Glenpool 115,900 883 9.1
Porter 65,400 525 9.6
Valley Park 588200 NA NA
Tullahassee 56100 NA NA
Coweta 146,700 810 6.6
Chouteau 89,500 516 6.9
Bixby 185,700 821 5.3
Okay 75,400 656 10.4

Number of whites in places near by Greater Midstates

Place name Number of whites
South Tulsa 16612
Fort Gibson 2653
Glenpool 8146
Porter 341
Valley Park 47
Tullahassee 14
Coweta 42096
Chouteau 1402
Bixby 18059
Okay 413
Muskogee 35435
Gregory 191
Sequoyah 508
Tulsa 409438
Broken Arrow 78282

Number of vacant houses in places near by Greater Midstates

Place name Number of vacant houses
South Tulsa 584
Fort Gibson 129
Glenpool 232
Porter 51
Valley Park 2
Tullahassee 14
Coweta 1205
Chouteau 79
Bixby 659
Okay 37
Muskogee 2898
Sequoyah 16
Tulsa 27037
Broken Arrow 2031

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Greater Midstates

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
South Tulsa 114300
Fort Gibson 59900
Glenpool 117300
Porter 32500
Coweta 109000
Chouteau 85000
Bixby 149600
Okay 30800
Muskogee 82700
Sequoyah 109500
Tulsa 110100
Broken Arrow 102500

Number of new houses in places near by Greater Midstates

Place name Number of new houses
South Tulsa 204300
Glenpool 217300
Coweta 186300
Bixby 331700
Muskogee 156300
Tulsa 223600
Broken Arrow 235300