Statistics & Research about Tonkawa,OK - Mckenzie-Noles Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Tonkawa,OK an area served by Mckenzie-Noles Agency Inc

Phone : 580-628-2514

Real estate research for area nearby Mckenzie-Noles Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
North Garfield 93,700 582 7.5
Billings 42,100 371 10.6
Tonkawa 63,200 563 10.7
Kildare 47500 NA NA
Blackwell 52,000 561 12.9
Braman 65,000 590 10.9
Pond Creek 60,200 615 12.3
Kremlin 66,800 575 10.3
Perry 85,900 550 7.7
East Noble 80,300 618 9.2

Number of vacant houses in places near by Mckenzie-Noles Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
North Garfield 217
Billings 85
Tonkawa 293
Blackwell 572
Braman 168
Pond Creek 94
Kremlin 11
Perry 418
East Noble 200
Deer Creek 28
Lamont 163
Marland 34
Caldwell 124

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Mckenzie-Noles Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
North Garfield 74600
Billings 63800
Tonkawa 70800
Blackwell 40600
Braman 45000
Pond Creek 47400
Kremlin 64700
Perry 108800
East Noble 96900
Lamont 108300
Marland 57500
Caldwell 29500

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Mckenzie-Noles Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
North Garfield 206300
Billings 48000
Tonkawa 55000
Blackwell 53500
Braman 77500
Pond Creek 32500
Kremlin 38600
Perry 154700
East Noble 91700
Lamont 71000
Marland 27500
Caldwell 156300