Statistics & Research about Oklahoma City,OK - The Insurance Groupe Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Oklahoma City,OK an area served by The Insurance Groupe Inc

Phone : 405-848-9605

Real estate research for area nearby The Insurance Groupe Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Oklahoma County 124,100 731 7.1
El Reno 108,100 654 7.3
Pink 78,800 644 9.8
North Cleveland 136,500 846 7.4
Bridge Creek 132400 NA NA
Spencer 82,300 663 9.7
Cashion 106,300 519 5.9
Smith Village 60,700 525 10.4
Goldsby 155,000 764 5.9
Midwest City 97,600 720 8.9

Number of whites in places near by The Insurance Groupe Inc

Place name Number of whites
Oklahoma County 491985
El Reno 21046
Pink 1707
North Cleveland 94365
Bridge Creek 417
Spencer 1237
Cashion 836
Smith Village 21
Goldsby 1873
Midwest City 36578
Newcastle 6473
Oklahoma City 386784
Minco 2063
Woodlawn Park 147
Mustang 15470

Number of vacant houses in places near by The Insurance Groupe Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Oklahoma County 37186
El Reno 1330
Pink 91
North Cleveland 2912
Bridge Creek 1
Spencer 204
Cashion 50
Goldsby 49
Midwest City 2364
Newcastle 79
Oklahoma City 30547
Minco 93
Woodlawn Park 6
Mustang 248

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by The Insurance Groupe Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Oklahoma County 5339
El Reno 251
Pink 7
North Cleveland 694
Spencer 6
Cashion 4
Goldsby 24
Midwest City 174
Newcastle 76
Oklahoma City 3712
Minco 5
Woodlawn Park 2
Mustang 65

Number of blacks in places near by The Insurance Groupe Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Oklahoma County 108431
El Reno 1237
Pink 33
North Cleveland 5471
Spencer 2467
Smith Village 3
Goldsby 4
Midwest City 10911
Newcastle 112
Oklahoma City 85115
Mustang 303